"Yahweh appeared to Abram and said 'I will give this land to your offspring.' He built an alter there to Yahweh, who had appeared to him..."
-Genesis 12: 7
The book of Genesis describes four alters in the life of Abraham. (See Genesis 12:1-7, 12:8-13, 13:14-18, & 22:9-14) Each commemorating an important event in Abraham's growing relationship with God. While it's no longer necessary to build alters and make sacrifices to commune with God, thanks to the work of Jesus Christ at the cross, it is still important that we remember and celebrate those major events in our own relationship with the Lord.
I personally experienced a major event in my relationship with God during the Summer of 2020. Without warning, I was stricken with a chronic illness. The doctors told me the only hope for a somewhat normal life was medication. The catch? It came with a long list of side effects, including losing my ability to ever start a family. I spent the following months reading, fasting, and crying out to God for healing. And you know what? He answered! I took the above picture the week that it happened.
Slowly but surely my condition improved until, finally, I felt ready to try backpacking again. I took the long route, fully believing God would give me the strength and endurance needed to reach camp. I arrived that evening safe, sound, and relieved to be doing what I loved again. The most amazing part was that I returned from my trip completely healed.
Whenever I see this picture, I remember that difficult time in my life and where I would be without the Lord's help. When all is well again and we're "out of the woods" so to speak it's easy to take our blessings for granted. We tend to forget what it was like in that moment of crisis, being totally dependent on God’s provision and mercy. I encourage you today to remember the times in which God answered your call, and remember how faithful He is in keeping His promises.
Further Reading:
Abraham's Four Altars: "Unforgettable peaks" - Believers Magazine
Thank you for reading! I hope revisiting this short devotion from the Summer 2021 Newsletter encouraged you today. I pray you recall the great works God has done in your life especially in times of prosperity and well-being.