"For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven...
... He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in their hearts, yet so that man can’t find out the work that God has done from the beginning even to the end."
-Ecclesiastes 3: 1 & 11
“Blackberries are one of my favorite parts of Summer backpacking. Finding them growing wild on mountain trails is always a welcome treat. And each year, I can’t help but feel a little sad to see them go with the arrival of Fall. At one time or another we all find ourselves wishing for things that have passed, or impatiently trying to usher in things to come. I personally have struggled with both during this current season of life. Thankfully, God has been working to address this issue in my heart. Through examples as simple as fruit in its season, God teaches us to see the temporary things as a blessing, and to appreciate those things in the time we have them. Ecclesiastes 3 perfectly sums it up. ‘For everything there is a season.’ Though it may not feel like it sometimes, He HAS made everything ‘beautiful in its time.’ When our circumstances change or when things don’t go the way we expected, it’s much easier to question God’s plan rather than trust there is a reason and purpose. Imagine if we spent our time asking God to reveal the blessings in each season instead of praying for a rewind or fast forward button! Yes, even during the times ‘to mourn and times to lose.’ We serve a good God with a perfect plan. We can’t expect to understand every part of it in this lifetime, but we can take comfort in the fact that all things work together for the good of those that love God and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).”
I wrote the above devotion for the September newsletter back in 2021. Now in March of 2024 I find this chapter of Ecclesiastes more compelling than ever. It was around this time last year we decided to add another member to our family. The 9 months that followed were full of obstacles, advantages, laughter, and tears. I’d be lying if I said I faced each difficult moment with the upmost confidence and composure. Despite how ongoing some of the challenges seemed at the time, they did indeed pass. More importantly, in the end everything we went through felt so worthwhile when our little girl entered the world.
Two months postpartum, I find myself again struggling to embrace the current season. However, with the wisdom of Ecclesiastes 3 in mind, it’s my prayer that instead of wishing to bypass the trials that come with this stage of motherhood, God will teach me savor these moments. Dear friend, it’s my prayer that God will do the same in your life. Whether you're currently going through a time of prosperity or hardship, I ask that He reveals to you the blessings, beauty, and purpose of each moment.
Thank you for reading! I hope revisiting this short devotion from the Winter 2024 Newsletter encouraged you today. God has made everything beautiful in its time. I pray He will reveal to you the blessings and purpose in each moment of your current season of life.